Saturday, May 21

renewing strength

I feel like I'm rejoining the world. . .AND I've just plugged in the new internet connection! There is so much that has happened over the last four weeks. It's one of those things where you realize that you haven't been able to blog but didn't realize that you hadn't realized THAT because you haven't had much time to realize any reality (easy for me to say). For the time being this particular site is being published out of the cornfields of Indiana - really! I suppose you never know where you will find the work of the kingdom waiting for you - I think Jesus said something of that sort.

Five months to the day of being fired from my position of "Assistant to the Minister" in Newnan, Georgia, and falling prey to some pretty nasty church politics, I gave my first sermon as Pastor in Twelve Mile, Indiana. Even re-reading my own blog doesn't get me out from the feeling of it being much longer than actuality. I came to realize that so many in my previous surroundings were so concerned with becoming the most, greatest, or best that they lost sight of the true nature of the Gospel. Truth of the matter is, I began to lose sight of it as well. Over the last few months I have been able to regain my perspective of the kingdom. It began with getting to know some great people at the restaurant at which I began working. There was a level of 'realism' that I had lost in the ecclesiastical communities in which I was running. And now the healing process can complete with folks who just want to be about their Father's business.

Healing can finish, although I will still bear the scars of FUMC. But it is like a scar on the back of my hand, which I earned one summer afternoon just a few miles east of here while cutting grass during college summer break. I will never forget the time, the experience, or the location. . .but the pain is forgotten.

Isaiah 40 speaks of those who hope in the Lord renewing their strength, because even youth grow tired and young people stumble. It occured to me that this all implies that believers will lose strength, but have hope in the knowledge of it being renewed. So I'm rejoining the world, at last. . .oh yeah, I also have internet again.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. . .
2 Peter 3:9
(the first Scripture my ears heard on my first Sunday in my new church home)

1 comment:

H. West said...

I am glad to be able to read your posts again. Your blog is a reminder of how little i know about life and how much I have to learn about God... Thanks for putting it out there.
