Thursday, February 17

sleight of random

One can find theology anywhere. This makes sense since God is everywhere. You just need to sit up and take notice. Again I go to Chili's since that is where I spend the majority of my time these days.

I am convinced that many people would never eat at a restaurant again if they ever met any of the cook staff. There's a reason why these individuals don't make table visits (this isn't Emeril's, folks) even though the overwhelming majority of line cooks that I've met foster a great deal of pride from their work. One of my most enjoyable activities is relaying a customer's satisfaction or expressed appreciation (since they never fail to hear about the complaints) since it makes them feel great for a brief moment, knowing they've accomplished. I'm just saying that at first blush, these guys would make most of you blush.

As is common in high-stress situations (i.e., Valentine's Day, Friday night, and the like) the tensions run high among all of the staff at Chili's because everyone is concerned with doing the best possible job. While most of the front-of-house staff remain relatively calm, these line cooks can let it fly (both words and, at times, objects). The other day there was a blow-up between one of the guys and a manager. To my astonishment this man is still employed at this restaurant! When I asked a fellow server why this person was not terminated I was told, "Because they always need cooks."

And this is just dinner. . .

How often do we as believers look for faults in other believers? Not just have conflict but actively look for that which we can use against our brothers and sisters so that we can remove them from our circle whenever we choose? Based on these two scenerios which endeavor would you say has the more value?

And this is just the kingdom. . .

(but I wouldn't know anything about that, obviously. . .)

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