Monday, July 11

feeling smaller

When I consider how many American evangelicals in the early 21st century believe that praying over wallets and for parking spaces is a way to combat demonic powers rising against the church, this particular letter made my world grow amazingly big:

"We have seen the hand of the Lord at work all these years. Lives have been transformed, leaving everything to follow Christ. In our church we have 61 home groups that meet weekly, and this has been glorious for reaching the lost. The work has been hard in all these years, with many problems and struggles, but God has given us the victory, and he will always hear our prayers. God has also blessed the presbytery. We started with seven churches. Now we have 18 churches and 25 missions. We are bombarding the devil from every direction."

-A.G., Cuba
From "The Voice of the Martyrs", Special Issue, 2005.

*emphasis mine, so its perspective would be less easily ignored

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