Monday, November 21


While in the wilderness, on his way to meet Esau, Jacob wrestled with God.

God started it.

Even though one can trace an impressive character development in the story of Jacob, there evidently was more growing that needed to happen. [Insert all-night fight sequence] The determination with which Jacob struggled was quite remarkable. Yet this account is not attempting to say that Jacob was as strong as God but highlights the tenacity of this particular individual. The tenacity of this very conniving individual who did not yet realize that he would begin a covenant people.

I have to wonder if anyone in the modern church would classify Jacob (as seen here) as a 'seeker.'

If so, then it begs the question of why he was looking for Esau rather than God. If not, then one is left to wonder why this was such a meaningful spiritual experience if Jacob was not a seeker. The answer to this might come down to the fact that we have no idea what it means to be a 'seeker' in the first place. For it is not required of us to seek God in specific religious practices but to live life and allow God to find us.

And start a fight.

Why a fight? Because God is not concerned with our safety or our well-being as much as he is concerned with having our passion driving us toward him. So Jacob walked away limping. . .and changed. And so we too walk away limping. . .and broken. For only then can we truly allow God to get down to business. His business of salvation and restoration. He knows our will must be shattered and he recklessly swings away.

". . .he bloodies your nose and then gives you a ride home on his bike."
~Rich Mullins

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